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My pebble

As I sit here in bed typing, I’m thinking “Why are you doing this? No one is ever going to know it exists, let alone read it”. But honestly, I’m okay with that. I don’t write for “fame” or to be known; I write for expression. For ideas. To grow as a person and as something bigger.

Throughout history, writing has been used to express oneself and grow. For years, I have kept journals and written based off different prompts and internal thoughts and lessons. These journals, over time, have become very scattered. Many of the early ones I never time-stamped so I have little idea of when I actually wrote them, or were written in rushed handwriting I can now barely read. However, I find much can be learned from reading past writings that were written with different experiences, a different mindset, and other factors. With our current experiences looking back at past ideas and opinions with the new things you’ve learned since then can show you the strengths and flaws in what you wrote. It allows you to grow. In order to circumvent the whole process of losing journals, not knowing when they were written, or not being able to understand the writing (especially with aged pencil), I decided that I was finally going to start a “blog”.

The idea itself genuinely terrifies me. Why would anyone want to read what I have to write? Will I even be able to write the right things? Truthfully, probably not. Correction; definitely not. But does it matter? I’m not perfect (nowhere near it) so why bother pretending. I’m just here to be real. To speak on ideas that I think matter and want to share. I’m not trying to make a living; just organize and share ideas.

Our world is so full of hatred and negativity; society as a whole has become a sort of toxic. I feel like I can't do anything without hearing a complaint or negative comment; when did that become okay? I'm ready to do my part and try and spread some more love and positivity. It may not be much, but it's mine.

To live is to make an impact, and to die without doing you might as well have never lived at all. It doesn’t need to be large; but a small pebble thrown into a lake still causes a ripple. Whether it be travel, talking to others, learning more on a topic you love, or a small act of kindness throughout your day. I’m more terrified of dying without causing a ripple than I am of creating a blog. I decided to try something new, so here we go. Here is my pebble in the lake of humanity.

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