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Your Mind Is a Stream of Colors

Today I was sitting enjoying Greta Van Fleet’s new album, The Battle At Gardens Gate (which I would highly recommend), but more specifically to the song Light My Love. As I listened, one of the lyrics really called out to me; “Your mind is a stream of colors, Extending beyond our sky, A land of infinite wonders”. It made me want to dig deeper.

When I heard it, I thought that was such a beautiful and accurate way to describe the human consciousness. A stream of colors. So simple, yet so eloquent and precise.

Just think about it; each one of us has countless thoughts, emotions, and feelings everyday. Fleeting streaks in a bigger picture. An agglomeration of moments. Highs and lows. I imagine a sunset, with a million different streaks of vibrant colors painting the sky. We are all just a collection of colors that paint our own sunsets.

I think that is a beautiful way to look at the humanesque. Rather than our “good” and “bad” traits, just as colors. Happiness may be daisy yellow, love a light pink blush, anger a fiery orange, and sadness a dark violet. We all contain each of these “colors” and they only add to our colorscape. Nobody would want to be a stream of just one color, regardless of what that color may be. Our stream of colors can come to represent our whole self, as compared to just the good or bad. There is no reason to avoid nor dwell on certain aspects and emotions, or colors. They are simply who we are.

If you look at the second verse, “Extending beyond our sky”, I think this also highlights another important part of human nature; our desire to be with others and have relationships. And oftentimes, people assume the only way to accomplish this is through romantic relationships. But, I’ve found that if one takes the time to admire and appreciate the colors in their friends' minds they too will be in awe. I fully believe that soulmates can be found in friends just as easily as in romantic relationships. Humans are social creatures, and we often want nothing more than to share the colors of our minds with others.

The more diverse the more beautiful and colorful our collective sunset can be. Never before have we looked at a sunset and wished there was less vibrancy of colors. If we looked at our relationships like this, we may find ourselves better able to appreciate all aspects of those around us, even if we personally can’t understand them. While we have our own streams of color, together we will form the most beautiful sunset that not even we can fully grasp nor comprehend.

And the last part, “A land of infinite wonders”. What a beautiful way to describe oneself. We are all a land of infinite wonders. Infinite possibilities. Infinite opportunities. We are, in our own right, a land of infinite wonders. That is something nobody can take away from us, except for ourselves. To think of yourself as not only capable of, but at a default of infinite wonders seems to make me feel lighter and brighter from the inside out.

Inside each of us is this beautiful and messy smattering of a million shades of colors, each of which highlight a different aspect of us. When we come together with those we love, we form a beautiful sunset so expansive that not even we can comprehend it, and we exist always in the glory of our own wonder. If we were to look at both ourselves and others with more of an appreciation and sense of wonder, the world may be a happier and more peaceful place.

Not sure why, but these lyrics really spoke to me. I often like to read lyrics, without the music, as they then become just poetry.

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